Actors Of Brotherhood Of Blades (绣春刀) (2014)

1. Brotherhood of Blades (2014) - MyDramaList

  • Feb 4, 2022 · Cast & Credits · Chang Chen in Brotherhood of Blades Chinese Movie (2014) · Li Dong Xue in Brotherhood of Blades Chinese Movie (2014) · Wang Qian ...

  • The story is centered on three officers of the Ming Dynasty, the secret police who are tasked with disposing of an adversary of the emperor. The three...

Brotherhood of Blades (2014) - MyDramaList

2. 绣春刀- 电影- 豆瓣

  • Missing: actors | Show results with:actors

  • 明崇祯皇帝登基,大太监魏忠贤(金世杰 饰)及其“阉党”被锦衣卫倾巢覆灭。锦衣卫中以卢剑星(王千源 饰)、沈炼(张震 饰)和靳一川(李东学 饰)三结拜兄弟最为勇猛正直。老大卢剑星为了升官百户,沈炼为替教...

绣春刀- 电影- 豆瓣

3. Brotherhood of Blades (2014) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Top Billed Cast ; Chang Chen. Shen Lian ; Liu Shishi. Zhou Miao Tong ; Wang Qian-yuan. Lu Jian Xing ; Li Dongxue. Jin Yi Chuan ; Nie Yuan. Zhao Jing Zhong.

  • In the late Ming Dynasty, three sworn brothers who serve as the imperial secret police are dispatched to hunt down Wei Zhongxian, a eunuch politician who had been forced to resign from his influential post and exiled from Beijing. The brothers return successfully from their quest, only to find that their task was but the beginning of a strange conspiracy.

Brotherhood of Blades (2014) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

4. Brotherhood of Blades (2014) directed by Lu Yang • Reviews, film + cast

Brotherhood of Blades (2014) directed by Lu Yang • Reviews, film + cast

5. Brotherhood of Blades (2014) - HKMDB

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  • HKMDB contains information about films, people, and companies associated with Hong Kong cinema

6. Brotherhood of Blades - Rotten Tomatoes

  • Three sworn brothers are tasked with annihilating a corrupt fugitive and his followers, but a mistake reveals the brothers are being used as pawns in a ...

  • Three sworn brothers are tasked with annihilating a corrupt fugitive and his followers, but a mistake reveals the brothers are being used as pawns in a deadly game filled with secrets, conspiracies and lethal consequences.

Brotherhood of Blades - Rotten Tomatoes

7. 錦衣衛-繡春刀Brotherhood of Blades 電影介紹 - 電影神搜資料庫

  • 而錦衣衛中屬盧劍星(王千源飾)、沈煉(張震飾)和靳一川(李東學飾)這三個結拜兄弟最為勇猛耿直,但三人卻各自有苦情鬱事。 老大盧劍星一心想光耀門楣官升百...

  • ★ 本片獲得 2014 年金馬獎五項提名,拿下最佳造型設計獎。 明朝天啟年間,東廠禍亂朝政,崇禎皇帝即位後,為了成為明君,下令緝拿以大太監魏忠賢(金士傑 飾)為首的東廠勢力,世稱「閹黨」,並命東廠提督趙靖忠(聶遠 飾)派遣錦衣衛前往剿滅。而錦衣衛中屬盧劍星(王千源 飾)、沈煉(張震 飾)和靳一川(李東學 飾)這三個結拜兄弟最為勇猛耿直,但三人卻各自有苦情鬱事。 老大盧劍星一心想光耀門楣官升百戶;老二沈煉重情重義卻為情所困,想為教坊司女子周妙彤(劉詩詩 飾)贖身;老三靳一川則想隱瞞過去擺脫師兄丁修(周一圍 飾)的勒索威脅。三人因而接下截殺行動,經過一番腥風血雨的廝殺後,終於將魏忠賢焦屍帶回,但沈煉同時隱瞞了一個天大的秘密,原以為一切能夙願以償,卻沒想到隨之而來的是三人生命受到威脅...... 可這一切卻僅是陰謀的開端,面對危機,沈煉該如何說出真相?而三人的命運又將何去何從?

錦衣衛-繡春刀Brotherhood of Blades 電影介紹 - 電影神搜資料庫

8. Brotherhood of Blades Collection - The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Brotherhood of Blades (绣春刀) ... In the late Ming Dynasty, three sworn brothers who serve as the imperial secret police are dispatched to hunt down Wei ...

  • Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty ascended the throne, and the eunuch Wei Zhongxian (played by Jin Shijie) and his

Brotherhood of Blades Collection - The Movie Database (TMDB)

9. BROTHERHOOD OF BLADES (绣春刀) (2014) -

  • Oct 16, 2014 · Genre: Martial-Arts Director: Lu Yang Cast: Chang Chen, Cecelia Liu, Nie Yuan, Wang Qianyuan, Li Dongxue, Jin Shijie, Zhu Dan, ...

  • Genre: Martial-Arts Director: Lu Yang Cast: Chang Chen, Cecelia Liu, Nie Yuan, Wang Qianyuan, Li Dongxue, Jin Shijie, Zhu Dan, Ye Qing RunTime: 1 hr 46 mins Rating: PG13 (Some Violence) Released By: GV Official Website:  Opening Day: 16 October 2014 Synopsis: It was late Ming Dynasty, when the ceaseless party struggle brought the empire to the brink of collapse. Wei Zhongxian, the ringleader of the so called “eunuch party” lost power as the young emperor ascended the throne. He soon became the NO. 1 assassination target. Three brothers in Jinyiwei – Lu Jianxing (Wang Qianyuan), Shen Lian (Chang Chen), Jin Yichuan (Li Dongxue) were assigned the job. Wei’s adopted son Zhao Jingzhong (Nie Yuan) was behind the plan. The three men are bounded like blood brothers. They each have their own desire, but money seems to be the key. They took the job and located the target successfully. When it’s nearly done, Wei offered to buy his way out. Shen Uinds the money irresistible and he manages to let him go. As the three brothers indulged in the big fortune, Lu buying his official seat in the government, Shen paying debt for a prostitute (Liu Shishi) who he loves and feels indebted to, Jin covering a secret of his real identity as a thief, the fact that Wei is still alive come to surface. All parties want them dead to bury the assassination. The day comes when Zhao Jingzhong invited the three to a dinner. The three sensed the danger and fight their way out. The...


10. Brotherhood of Blades 2014 绣春刀_中文字幕下载- 日记- 豆瓣

  • Jan 30, 2015 · Brotherhood of Blades 2014 绣春刀_中文字幕下载 ... 明崇祯皇帝登基,大太监魏忠贤(金世杰饰)及其“阉党”被锦衣卫倾巢覆灭。锦衣卫中以卢剑星(王千源饰)、沈 ...

  • ◎ 片  名 绣春刀/飞鱼服绣春刀/斩立决 ◎ 译  名 Brotherhood of Blades ◎ 年  代 2014 ◎ 国  家 中国 ◎ 类  别 动作/爱情/武侠/古装 ◎ 语  言 普通话/满语 ◎ 字  幕 中文 ◎ 上映日...

11. 绣春刀Ⅱ:修罗战场_百度百科

  • 《绣春刀Ⅱ:修罗战场》是由路阳执导,陈舒、路阳、禹扬编剧,张震、杨幂、张译、雷佳音、辛芷蕾、金士杰、刘端端、李媛等人主演的古装武侠电影。该片于2017年7月19日中国 ...

  • 《绣春刀Ⅱ:修罗战场》是由路阳执导,陈舒、路阳、禹扬编剧,张震、杨幂、张译、雷佳音、辛芷蕾、金士杰、刘端端、李媛等人主演的古装武侠电影。该片于2017年7月19日中国大陆上映。该影片为第一部《绣春刀》的前传故事,影片讲述明朝天启七年,北镇抚司锦衣卫沈炼在一次扫除乱党任务中陷入阴谋,为获得清白与画师北斋等人协力查明真相的故事。该影片累计获得票房为2.65亿元。动作指导桑林凭借该影片获得第54届台湾电影金马奖最佳动作设计奖;演员张震凭借该影片获得2018柏林国际电影节亚洲璀璨之星最佳男演员。


12. Review: Brotherhood of Blades (2014) | Sino-Cinema 《神州电影》

  • Apr 11, 2016 · ... 绣春刀 is the most satisfying Chinese wuxia movie since Reign of ... actors aren't used for box-office ballast. A variable actor who ...

  • China, 2014, colour, 2.35:1, 106 mins.

Actors Of Brotherhood Of Blades (绣春刀) (2014)


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