Night Demon's Glare/ Calla Lily - hitoxo09 - 原神 (2024)

Through the dimness of the bedroom, bright amber eyes gaze in from outside. The sky above was a rich canvas of deep indigo hues. With small light blobs as stars and a crescent moon that hung freely around the Earth. A demon of the night dangled at an unsuspecting window, waiting for his body to make the move, the big decision. His small frame sat on the windowsill like a little potted plant. Though he had gone through so much work and effort to plan this elaborate stunt, he couldn't bring himself to pry the window open and take what he wanted or needed in this case. The incubus endured various mental battles with himself, but he couldn't hang here forever. Even if his room was high in level, anyone could see his devilish outline from the ground floor. Maybe this was dumb; he should just go find another victim to prey on instead of his coworker and best friend. The night was still young, but that was the very problem in this situation. Every average social person is out clubbing, with friends, or simply up at this time. The incubus was surprised to come to his coworker's window after his shift and find him sleeping soundly. Did he have no friends? Couldn't be. It was the unexpected rush at where they worked together, draining him for the night. That was no problem for the incubus; he had already set his eyes on his victim and the hunger to act on impulse, but currently, it was time to act. And he was nonetheless outside the window, lurking. He allowed his head to fall against the frame hopelessly with a deep sigh; it was either get caught by an outsider or get caught sitting outside his coworker's window, a man he had known for years and considered a very good friend.

About 3 years ago, Arataki Itto was a new hire at a restaurant as a server, the same one Gorou has been at for years now. The restaurant took great care of Gorou when he was a new hire and has not broken his trust in the slightest. With the wind sweeping Itto into the establishment, Gorou was entrusted to give him a good first experience as well as training that would help him in the long run. Itto was a charismatic charm, and his silly jokes and ideas could bring anyone closer to him within days of being near him. It was hard to not fall in devotion with his crooked tooth smile and his comical words. The smell of his simple cologne, fresh leaves in the summer, and splashing waves, not to mention how his uniform suits him flawlessly in the right places. The way his skin was lit aflame by his gentle touches from such large hands if he needed to get by or get his attention. When the tension was high and the hours were long, his frustrated expression and the visible veins lined his arms when he rolled up his sleeves. It was hard to stay professional when the incubus' face would burn red if he got too close, and he'd be the first to tap out.

Eventually, their relationship expanded. From regular outings with the team after a hard night to one-on-one movie nights and town expeditions. They even got as comfortable as hanging out at each other's apartments and hosting small sleepovers with people their age. Despite the many friends Itto had, which was no surprise, he always returned to Gorou to take up time in his schedule. Love wasn't the right word, but admiration laced his eyes when they connected with Itto's, and Gorou felt no shame naming it as a miniature, simple work crush. That's all it was. But, in the dark nights under the indigo-blue sky, his flesh burned with the hunger to be bred due to his incubus roots. When he would slip into the window of any other unsuspecting victim and take his earnings, only one person filled his brain to distract himself, Itto. While patiently waiting for the late-night city lights to dim on any regular day, the incubus grazed his skin at the thought of Itto's fingers gripping and clawing at his flesh. His back arched, and moans freely escaped his parted lips, but it was only a small, tiny work crush.

On a Thursday late night, just hours before the present, due to his insufferable hunger, which grasped at his insides, Gorou had declined an invitation to an annual festival in his area with friends. He did so primarily because he was famished, which affected his physical strength. It was also because Itto wouldn't be attending the festival, but he wouldn’t tell them that. It had been a while since Gorou fed off of someone to regain his energy. As a literal sex demon, it was crucial to not miss opportunities to be fed. Last week, Gorou picked up multiple extra shifts to pay bills and a little more to treat his human side but neglected his demon origins. So, not only did this mean he was going to starve tonight, but he was going to be alone. Gorou groaned out at the thought, flailing his limbs in frustration. The night shift was rough this evening, with multiple to-go orders and parties rushing in before the festival. It was a mess, to say the least, and Itto and Gorou held out to the very end, practically dropping dead when the hours ended. After using the last bit of his energy to rush home, his demon features were already on full display. Thankfully, he lived by himself and didn’t have to worry too much about his appearance then.

He slumped on his bed with a vocal exhale, mind filled with vivid images of Itto that had been burned into his memory from tonight. It didn’t take long before his hunger replaced the lonely silence in the room. He let it take over and clouded his brain with those images. Itto’s shirt so tight to his chest, his rolled up sleeves, his smiling face when he greeted customers, his tired face and low eyes when they were in the break room alone, his voice in general when he quieted down, when he told Gorou he was doing good, this was all too much right now. All above the constant reminder floating around in his head that he would be home, by himself, all night long. Gorou snapped away from his bed, shamefully walking to his closet to receive a gray hoodie to throw over his plain gray shirt and baggy black shorts. He took a short look out the window before turning his head to meet the clock above his room door, 9:49 pm. Would he even be asleep at this time? God, this was hopeless, maybe he just needed some sleep. Gorou’s knees buckled, laying his forehead on the wall under the window. Every time he blinked, Itto would be there, smiling, touching him, walking or sitting idly. The space between his thighs burned, oh he craved to feel his touch one more time; even if it was accidental. He just wanted, needed to check if he was asleep. Just one look, and he’d come back to his room, that’s all.

Were his nerves getting the best of him? Maybe his impulses weren't as deep as he thought?

Well, here he was. His prey laid on the other side of this glass, vulnerable and unmoving. With nothing but short black boxers on, that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Itto was sleeping, and Gorou was here but he couldn’t. Couldn't bring himself to take the few steps to let himself in and take what he wanted. If he was caught there was no doubt it would alter or even damage their relationship. Gorou literally had the same shifts as him, not to mention most of his friends were Itto’s. He would be a total outcast if this were to go wrong. Itto was his most favorite friend, Itto has never done anything to bother him or get under his skin, he was so perfect. But Gorou was here and it was a perfect day and time; he wouldn't get another chance like this. He didn’t think he’d be willing to take the chance, but, he at least wanted to watch him for a little longer. Just for a minute.

His lengthy claws mindlessly tinkered at the seal on the window as his brain scanned through the pros and cons. His devilish tail intermittently flicked back and forth behind him. The rhythmic tinkering stops and the seal reveals a crack in its defense, and the window is open. He glances back up at the unconscious man and suddenly, Gorou is willing to take the chance. He doesn't wait for his brain to catch up with his actions. Gorou snakes his way under the crack, the warm room embracing him. He swallows hard at the sight of Itto so up close. He could have never been this close to him when they were at work, the blush on his face was hidden in the darkness where he stood. Well, there was absolutely no going back now.

Gorou carefully approaches the bedside where Itto's head rests, cold hands reaching to cuddle his face. Though this is a routine for Gorou, his feelings about doing this to Itto are mixed. He hesitated before pushing their lips together, his thumb pushing between Itto's fangs to open his jaw. Gathering spit on his tongue, he drops it into Itto's throat, forcing the body to swallow it. While the kiss was a little more passionate than usual, the properties of his spit as an incubus contained strong sedation, keeping his targets sound asleep. The fewer interactions, the better. Drawing his lips away from Itto's, he huffed and crawled over him to hover over his torso. Gorou was thorough in not shaking the frame or disturbing his sleep, spreading his thighs comfortably on his abdomen.

Lowering himself to meet his crotch, only one sheer layer of fabric was in the way. Perhaps, it was his hunger getting the best of him as he immediately dropped his guard when the scent of the oni’s signature cologne hit his nose. His back fell instinctively into an arch, parted lips grazing over his clothed length. Gorou whined, panting quietly into the space between Itto's muscular thighs, taking in his sweet smell. His lips burned with anticipation as he freed Itto's co*ck from his thin boxers. It was thick between his fingers, and even though it wasn't entirely stiff, it was difficult to believe he could get bigger. He was undoubtedly pent up by how it twitched at each scalding touch by the incubus. Allowing his tongue to lead, he took no time in giving it a warm home in his mouth, freely slobbering all over his length. From base to tip, it was very quickly covered in Gorou's spit, and even though he was more than ready, he couldn't pull his mouth away. It was terribly addicting; his body was feeling good all on its own just from eating every inch of his co*ck. Making sure no taste was left, as if he were cleaning it for Itto. Hopefully, the sedation would keep him down a little longer, just a little more...

Steadily, the subtle twitches and shifting of his legs evolved into violent jerking movements, a result of Gorou stuffing his face. The sound of groans and grunts echoed behind him, emerging from Itto. Ignoring their presence, Gorou continued to indulge himself without restraint. Finally, with hands heavy and weary from the night's debauchery, someone reached for his hips and called out his name in a faint voice.

"Gorou..?" The incubus froze in his revealing position. There was no denying that sound—the sound of Itto calling his name in a lowly, husky tone from talking all night. Should he give it up and tell him? Maybe he should play it off as a dream? This can't be happening; how could he let it get this far? Gorou flinches, his skin burning at the feel of Itto's finger groping and teasing the flesh in front of him, confirming his suspicions if this was even real in the first place. "What.., uh, what are you doing?" Itto knew it was him, cursing his bright orange; there was no beating around the bush with this one. The longer they sat, the clearer Itto's eyes got, and the tail that laid on his chest was a clear indication. Don’t panic, don’t panic. Just relax, say something, literally anything. God, if only Gorou could find the words to describe this situation. Simple terms, Itto still had to be dazed after waking up, so Gorou just had to explain in simple terms. Embarrassingly, his lips split to give an explanation.

"I, need your cum." It was over. No more fun alone movie nights with Itto, no more friends, no more job, probably even jail if Itto wanted for sexual assault. Gorou stated simply as if that was enough information for why he was sucking his dick on top of him, without his permission. He turned his head slightly to look over his shoulder, tears threatening to spill as awaited Itto’s answer. There is an inexcusably long moment of silence. Yup, it was over, why was he even still there? Itto squints at him, wearily nods his head, a short toothy grin navigates his lips. He raises a hand, slapping one of his hands over his forehead to rub his face.

"Oh, uh.., hehe. You're funny." Itto mumbled, a yawn leaving his lips as he rubbed his eyes. Itto was obviously too tired to comprehend what was happening, making it easier for the incubus to take what he wanted and leave. But Gorou couldn't bring himself to leave his best friend in the dark like this.

"I'm being serious, Itto." Gorou's eye peered at his expression over his shoulder, a light pink tinting his face. He blinked instinctively to stop the tears from flowing.

"Oh," Itto's eyes seemed to be open as those words scanned through his head. "That's rad." What? Rad? Gorou frowned, confused and partly upset at the choice of dialogue. Itto's eyes were clearly open as his eyes didn't leave Gorou's as they spoke like they were having a normal conversation. Was there something he wasn't understanding? Did he sleep with his eyes open? He plotted this for hours, snuck into his room, and then came onto him while he was asleep. Was that not enough?

"Is that all you have to say?" The incubus growls, eyebrows knitted together. One of his fingers coming up to wipe the tears from his face.

"Hey hey, there ain’t no reason to cry man. I trust you, Gorou." Itto gives his best gentle smile, though his eyes still do not accommodate the light or his surroundings. So, he wasn’t going to shame him or kick him out? He wasn’t going to call the police? Gorou twists his head away from Itto, the blush on his face darkening. He stood there for a second. Gorou didn’t have any other special talents in his spit other than the sedation, did he learn something new by accident? Maybe he was still tired? But, still through his tired and drowsy eyes, he knew it was Gorou. And through his foggy ears, he still reassured him of their relationship. "I can help if you need me to!" Itto adds while shifting onto his elbows, trying his best to lighten the mood. Gorou started this, he couldn’t just walk away but the least he can do is take the lead. He speaks up through his previous tears.

"You trust me, don't you..?" Gorou moves his hands to either side of Itto's thighs and shifts his weight, positioning himself directly over his lap. The incubus uses his right arm to grip the base of Itto's co*ck from behind him, holding it steady. Gorou lifts his hips above his co*ck, lining up their body parts.

"Just let me do it." Gradually, Gorou lowers his body slowly on Itto's co*ck. He used the oni’s thigh for stabilization as his hole was being stretched to its limits. Itto's tip was wildly large, not to distract from the entire rest of his length. He did his best to relax around him, rocking his hips to help his body take it in easier.

Itto’s lower body twitches, tensing at the sudden sensation. His eyes take in the wonderful sight of his aching co*ck disappearing inside of his friend, enclosing it in a trapped warmth. Pleased breathy whines come from the oni as his large hands latch to Gorou’s hips, guiding him down in an impatient matter. Gorou winces at the weight on his hips, his tail flicked and wrapped around one of Itto’s wrists in a possessive demeanor. He tiredly shifted to his knees as his body swallowed his co*ck, huffing at the small victory. Removing his hands from Itto’s thighs, he planted them in between them, rocking his hips slowly to ease in the remaining length. God, he felt so full. Gorou had no doubts it was big before but goddamn this was huge. He dug in the sheets below him, his hips aching at the hold Itto’s fingers had on them. As he slowly speeds up, Itto’s rough hands force him to rock faster, easily yanking his lower half back and forth at his will. Gorou couldn’t fight against his strength, instead pushing into it and moving his own hand to grip the wrist holding him so tightly.

“I-itto, just, please…hold on..” Gorou breathed out through his moans, still waiting for his body to adjust to the size that was easily hitting the back of his insides. He felt so full, like the thick length was craving his body anew. The demon couldn’t bear to look back at his fumbling friend, his hips on fire with his touch.

“I know—, I know, it just feels so good. I can’t…, I can't stop myself..” Itto rambled, erratically pressing his hips into Gorou’s as if controlling his hips wasn't enough. “Just right there, right there..please..” The oni whines, throwing his head against the soft pillow under him; his black nails grip into the others flesh. Gorou lowered his head, face burning up a little more at every one of his words. Maybe the demon should have done a better job at sedating him. He was worried his neighbors would hear, but Gorou didn’t take any action against it. As if he could.

“Oh..f*ck, please— its feels, so good..” Gorou moaned out above him, an unfamiliar burning sensation rising in his stomach as the tip of Itto’s co*ck ground against his deep insides. His free hand took hold of Itto’s wrists, wrapping his finger around his tail as it also held Itto. His back fell into an arch, his body trying its best to keep up with the talkative oni underneath him.

“You’re so tight, f*ck, its so’re so hot Gorou..” The blush on Gorou’s face grew, spreading to his ears and nape as got an earful of Itto’s many pleas. It was oddly in character for Itto to be so loud in bed, it never could’ve prepared Gorou for what it sounded like in real life. Right in his ear, his rough and dazed but whining tone. Like two animals indulging each other's heat, they bump and grind on each other. Breathing and crying out each other's names with the background of wet sweaty skin slapping against each other.

“Oh—please, don’t pull out, please.., Itto..” Their frequent pattern was disturbed as the climax he was holding back for so long snapped, and they both came together; hips slowing down to a stop.
The grip on Gorou’s hips loosened, still holding him down firmly as Itto easily fulfilled Gorou’s request. They both sat comfortably, their bodies finally being about to rest against each other as the demon was filled. Gorou’s body leaned forward, shaking his head to flick the hair out of his face as he patiently waited for Itto to let him go. Gorou had gotten well over enough cum, as well as using his own friend for his dirty work. Not to mention, there was no way he could take another round of his co*ck spearing through him. They both did well over enough, and Gorou just wanted to leave before the shame swallowed him whole.

After a few minutes of quiet breathing, Itto had plans to change that. His knees and torso lifted off the bed, trapping the demon between his body. Itto’s knees folded under him, his weight shifting over the small one. A large hand palms Gorou’s back, pushing him down chest first on the bed. Gorou hums in surprise as his face meets the pillowy blanket. His hands come up next to his head, turning his head slightly to eye Itto with a frown he didn’t mean in the slightest.

“Itto..” Gorou grumbled, not actually doing anything against the oni’s actions. While Gorou didn’t need anymore, who was he to stop something he created? Itto looked back at him with a sweet smile, trying to mask his arousal the best he could in Gorou’s eyes.

“One more time, please? You just feel so good I can't help it.” With that, Gorou was quickly shut up and completely convinced. He turned his head back to avoid Itto's gaze. The same left hand creeped up between Gorou’s shoulder blades to grab hold of his left horn. Before Gorou can protest against the horn holding, Itto tugs the other hips up to meet his own, ultimately yanking Gorou back with him. Due to the drastic size difference, the incubus’ knees didn’t even touch the bed below them. Unfortunately, this left Gorou’s body position in the hands of the large lustful oni above him. The demon’s feet wrap around Itto’s large lower thighs to stabilize his bottom half. He could already feel his lungs closing up being so roughly pinned to the fluffy blanket, and Gorou knew he wouldn’t fight against the oni, for more reasons than one of course.

Itto huffed at the feeling pulling at him as he drew his hips away, holding the other with ease in the air. While his thrusts started slow and controlled, they did not stay that way. The oni quickly sped up, roughly yanking at Gorou’s hips to meet his. Gorou’s tail flicked at his arms and abdomen. Whether it was to get his attention or stop him, it did neither. Instead, the oni straightened his back, taking Gorou’s horn with him on the way up. His entire body straightened up with Itto, gasping out at the quick change. His nails scrambled to find something, literally anything to hold on to.

The incubus let out distressed and loud noises, pleas and whines in the air as his co*ck leaked on to the mattress. Even at such a disadvantage, Gorou tried his best to push against the oni, trying to match his cruel pace. Thankful, the demon’s horns weren’t easy to break and were frankly used for things like this.

“f*ck, you’re so tight, god it feels so good Gorou, you feel so good..” His pace sped up, mashing his hips roughly against Gorou’s, the grip at his horn tightening. At this point it was Itto who was the hungry sex demon. All Gorou could do was mewl out in response, his insides too busy being wrung out at an unpredictable pattern. It shifted between pain and pleasure as the pain in his chest was from the lack of air he was getting. The pleasure from being rammed by his best friend in his room, of course. Nonetheless, tears welled up in his eyes as he choked on the spit in his throat. The wet sound of mixed cum and slick being pounded inside of the demon’s body filled the room, along with their animalistic grunts targeted at each other. His large co*ck rammed to the end of his insides and back, ultimately causing cum to drip from Gorou’s tired hole. Gorou’s hoarse pleas yell out from the position suffocating him, the sweet words of the oni above him the only things he can hear. He wouldn’t mind if it was the last as well.

“..f*ck, I’m gonna cum, please, Gorou..take it all for me..” Gorou silently agrees, eventually giving up on trying to communicate with his friend while in such a state. He allowed the pleasure to swallow him whole, taking each and every one of his harsh thrust. Itto’s hips became sporadic as his limit was reached. Hurried, Itto bent at the waist, pushing the demon roughly face first into the blanket. Itto’s entire weight fell on his one horn causing Gorou to panic. His feet flailed behind him, trying to fight against the loss of air as he took Itto’s cum like he wanted from the very beginning.

“That’s so good, ooh you’re taking it so good Gorou, f*ck,” Gorou whined into the bed, the praise tilting him over into overstimulation before Itto slowed his hips. The demon slowly eased into the sheets, taking every drop into his body, healing his incubus side. Itto straightens his back, removing a steady hand off his horn. Gorou laid quietly on the bed in his whor*y position, too busy catching his breath. Itto used the same hand to hold the base of his co*ck, he slid his hips back, pulling out of Gorou’s stuffed hole. The demon squeaked at the very large loss in his body. Thick cum spilled from his asshole, making a steady trail to the bed below them. Itto used a thumb to stretch his sloppy hole.

“Damn…you look so good back here..” The oni added through his tired breaths. After a second of silence of the duo taking heavy breaths, the oni exhaled loudly before laying flatly on the smaller.
“Itto—! You’re heavy…” Gorou whined, his voice already sore and already changing for the worse. He guessed his sedation skills were just wildly off today, he grumbled. But he couldn’t be completely upset by it, Gorou got what he wanted. He got to sleep with the best friend he had a crush on and he was happy enough to not get any backlash from it. His hands searched for a way to get Itto off of him but to no avail. Instead, he let the warmth consume him, letting his eyes flutter close in the midst of his own well awaited dream.

Jeez, another bad table today. Probably the 3rd in a row this time. Fridays were terrible but not comparable to the festival rush last night. At this point, they had to be targeting him. Gorou glanced at the clock above the tired cooks, break time. Finally. He made his way to the breakroom, his double already on their way out the doors to meet the tables he greeted. Gorou silently wished him luck before closing the break room doors behind him. Gorou huffed out, leaning against the wall of the breakroom, glancing around the spacious area only to find Itto making his way in from the opposite door. Their eyes make contact and Itto raises a hand excitedly.

“Heeeeeey Gorou, over here!” Gorou smiles, a light blush sets over his face. Although tiredly, he walks over to him. Shoving his phone in his back pants pocket, he looks up at him with wavering eyes. For a second, Itto’s smile drops, and his eyes bunch up in a squint as he bends to get closer to Gorou. Gorou lets him inspect him quietly, a worried look flashing in his eyes. It was quiet in the room, he felt his breathing get heavier. After a tense second, Itto stiffens up, a familiar hearty laugh leaving his lips.

“Ahhh, you know, I had a weird dream about you last night man! Or at least I think it was.” He set a heavy palm on his shoulder, causing him to yelp. The same hand grips at his shoulder, holding him still as Itto scans him one more. Instead, running his eyes over his short body. “But it couldn’t have been you though, you don’t have any horns like me!” He laughs again, patting his shoulder. Gorou nods in response, a short nervous giggle leaving him as well.

“Yeah, really weird.”

Night Demon's Glare/ Calla Lily - hitoxo09 - 原神 (2024)


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.